# Timeline

Timeline example


# Usage

The timeline is used to display chronological information.

The easiest way to create a new timeline component is to duplicate an existing one. However, if you need to create the component from scratch, follow the directions below.

# Settings

This component is created in widgetkit. To create a new timeline component go to "Components" > "Widgetkit" and select "new". The follow these steps:

  1. Use the "List" widgetkit
  2. Add a title and description for each item
  3. It is not recommended to include an image in the timeline component, as this functionality has not been tested.

In "List" use these settings

  • Style: Line

None of the settings in the media tab should matter since this component does not use media.

In "Content" use these settings

  • Display: Content
  • Size: Default
  • Show social buttons: No
  • Turncate: Leave Blank
  • Show link: No
  • Color: Muted

In "General" use these settings

  • Open all links in a new window: No
  • HTML Class: wk-timeline