# Hero

Hero example

The hero component is a special component that should only be used at the top of pages without sidebars. This component serves the purpose of grabbing attention, providing an introduction to the page, and giving a couple of calls to action.

The easiest way to create a new hero component is to duplicate an existing one. However, if you need to create the component from scratch, follow the directions below.

# Creating a hero from scratch

This component is created in widgetkit. To create a new details component go to "Components" > "Widgetkit" and select "new". The follow these steps:

  1. Use the "Grid Stack" widgetkit
  2. Add each item with a title and image
  3. For the content section, use this framework:
<div class="grid">
  <div class="grid_item">
    <a href="LINK URL" class="btn u-full btn-primary">LINK TITLE</a>
  <div class="grid_item">
    <a href="LINK URL" class="btn u-full btn-primary">LINK TITLE</a>

In "Layout" use these settings

  • Media Width: 60%
  • Media Alignment: Right
  • Breakpoint: Tablet
  • Alternate media alignment: No
  • Show the grid gutter: Yes
  • Vertical Gutter: Same as horizontal
  • Show horizontal divider: No
  • Add whitespace to content: No
  • Center content vertically: Yes
  • Animation media: None
  • Animation content: None

In "Media" use these settings

  • Show media: Yes
  • Image width: Auto
  • Image height: Auto
  • Border: None
  • Overlay: None
  • Animation: None

In "Content" use these settings

  • Show title: Yes
  • Show content: Yes
  • Show social buttons: No
  • Title size: H1
  • Alignment: Left
  • Show link: No
  • Show badge: No

In "General" use these settings

  • Link target: No
  • HTML Class: wk-hero