# Menus

There are three types of menus on the IT website: top navigation, sidebars, and quicklinks. There is only one top navigation menu, it holds links to each section on the website and is displayed at the top of every web page as a horizontal navigation bar. There is also only one quicklink menu, it holds important links for internal and external users and is located at the top right of every page, under the search bar. There is a sidebar menu for each section and they hold all pages and subpages that fall into that section, as well as ant relevent external links.

  1. Go to "Menus" > "Section Sidebar" > "New"
  2. Input the menu title, this is usually the page title
  3. Add an alias, this is what is used in the URL
  4. Select "Menu Item Type" > "Articles" > "Single Article"
  5. Select the article
  6. Move the menu item to the correct sub menu. See other menu items for examples
  1. Follow steps 1 through 3 above
  2. Select "Menu Item Type" > "System Links" > "URL"
  3. Insert the link URL
  4. Select "Target Window" > "New Window With Navigation"

# Adding a sidebar to a new page

  1. Go to "Extentions" > "Modules"
  2. Search "Nav"
  3. Select the sidebar you need to add
  4. Go to "Menu Assignment"
  5. Select the page you'd like the sidebar to appear on

# Creating a new dropdown section in a sidebar

  1. Create a new menu item in the sidebar
  2. Select "Menu Item Type" > "System Links" > "Menu Heading"
  3. Add additional menu items as normal using this menu heading as their parent

NOTE: If the sidebar does not already have a dropdown menu, you may need to follow these additional steps:

  1. Go to the sidebar's module
  2. Go to "Advanced"
  3. In "Menu Class Suffix" type " clickFade" remember the space at the beginning.