# Color
The UABIT Website uses an expanded version of the official color palette provided by University Relations. Each color is given a semantic name and a number value in 100 increments between 100 and 900 inclusive. 500 represents the base color, with lower numbers being tints and higher numbers being shades.
# Neutral
This color is used to create depth and create divisions. The base of this color is Smoke Gray from the UAB brand toolkit. This color is referred to as its old name Stone in the code.
Neutral 100
Neutral 200
Neutral 300
Neutral 400
Neutral 500
Neutral 600
Neutral 700
Neutral 800
Neutral 900
The background color for many elements is Neutral 500 at 15% opacity.
# Primary
This color is used for navigational cues and as a theme in some components. The use of this color should indicate high importance or an actionable item such as a button or link. This base of this color is UAB green from the UAB brand toolkit.
Primary 100
Primary 200
Primary 300
Primary 400
Primary 500
Primary 600
Primary 700
Primary 800
Primary 900
# Secondary
This color is typically used to provide depth, it has no defined meaning and so can be used anywhere to provide color. The base of this color is Dragon's Lair Green from the UAB brand toolkit. This color is referred to as its old name Dark Green in the code.
Secondary 100
Secondary 200
Secondary 300
Secondary 400
Secondary 500
Secondary 600
Secondary 700
Secondary 800
Secondary 900
# Accent
This color is used in two contexts, in the first it serves as an accent color on certain UI elements. In the other context, it is used to communicate a positive status. The base of this color is Campus Green in the UAB brand toolkit. This color is referred to as its old name Apple Green in the code.
Accent 100
Accent 200
Accent 300
Accent 400
Accent 500
Accent 600
Accent 700
Accent 800
Accent 900
# Caution
This color is typically used to indicate information or actions that the user should think about more carefully before proceeding. The base of this color is Loyal Yellow from the UAB brand toolkit. This color is referred to as its old name Blaze in the code.
Caution 100
Caution 200
Caution 300
Caution 400
Caution 500
Caution 600
Caution 700
Caution 800
Caution 900
# Caution Alt
This color should only be used if caution and warning are already being used in the same context.
Caution-alt 100
Caution-alt 200
Caution-alt 300
Caution-alt 400
Caution-alt 500
Caution-alt 600
Caution-alt 700
Caution-alt 800
Caution-alt 900
# Warning
This color should be used to highlight information that is critical to the user.
Warning 100
Warning 200
Warning 300
Warning 400
Warning 500
Warning 600
Warning 700
Warning 800
Warning 900
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