# Articles

Articles are the heart of the website, they contain the content of web pages and news articles. This page offers guides for publishing both news articles and web pages.

When adding content in any article remember these rules

  • Do not paste from word with formatting.
  • Paste content block by block "without formatting" using the options in JCE to format the content. Or add content in the "Code" tab
  • Remember to look over the inclusive design page.

# News Articles

  1. In the Title field, type in the title of the article. This will display in the banner on the web page. This should be a maximum of 35 characters including spaces
  2. Place the page's content in the content box.
  3. In the Alias field type the article’s publish date in the MMDDYYYY format. For example: 01232019 for January 1, 2019

# Adding a Thumbnail

If the news article includes an image, the image should also be set as the article's thumbnail to display in RSS feeds.

  1. Navigate to the Images and Links tab.
  2. Select the desired image in the Intro Image field.
  3. Describe the purpose of the image or give a brief description of the image in the Alt Text field.

# Publishing

To help organize and maintain the website’s content we use a publishing procedure that requires certain fields be completed in the publishing tab.

  1. Navigate to the publishing tab.
  2. Input the date the article should start being displayed on the website in the Start Publishing field.
  3. In the Finish Publishing field, put the date at which the announcement will no longer be relevant. If this date is unknown, set the Finish Publishing date as the Start Publishing date plus 4 years.
  4. Fill in the Author’s name in the Created by Alias if you are not the author of the announcement.

If you’re adding an old announcement, be sure to select its Start Publishing date as the day it would have been published

# Tagging

In order for the announcement to be surfaced in the appropriate RSS feeds, it needs to be tagged properly. DO NOT ADD THE NEWS ARTICLE TO A CATEGORY

  1. Navigate to the Content tab and look on the right column.
  2. Select as many tags are relevant from the Tags field.

# Web Pages

Web pages have much fewer rules to follow, but need to have menus and banners added manually.

  1. In the title field, input the page title. This will display in the banner on the web page.
  2. Select the category the page falls under. This should correspond to what sidebar it will display on.
  3. Place the page's content in the content box. It should begin with a headding 2 element h2 and follow with paragraphs and other content.
  4. Use a short descriptive alias. This will display in the page's URL, so the shorter the better.
  5. Save and close the article and go on to add the page to a menu, and assign the page a banner